Most Expensive Cassette Tapes Ever Sold

Just like the vinyl comeback, this spike in cassette tape sales can be credited to nostalgia. Compared to vinyl records, cassette tape’s audio quality will never live up to it, but what adds to the nostalgia is that it’s portable and easier to listen to on the go. And it’s quite cheap…well, most cassette tapes […]

Top 15 Music Predictions for 2022

The pandemic has made it difficult to make any predictions but luckily, there are music industry pros with good experience, good sense, and powerful crystal balls. They’ve been studying trends in music and they know how things work on the ground (and online!), so their predictions are the most legit. Let’s see how they imagine […]

25 ways to promote your album the right way

Album promotion in the past decade has stepped up to another level. There are just so many ways to do it which has its pros but definitely also has its cons. The internet has become an integral part in music promotion and with the pandemic, it has become an even more crucial element.  Musicians have […]