Biggest List Of Music Recording Studios In The USA (Part 4)

Are you a musician and you’re wondering “where are the music recording studios near me?” We got you. We compiled over 500 music recording studios in the USA just for you. If you want the full list beautifully compiled in a spreadsheet, follow our Instagram page  and send us a message with a subject line “I […]

10 ways to add more buzz to your album release

Recording an album is daunting. But so does promoting an album release. You have to take your vitamins and gather more energy because recording’s just the beginning! After that comes mastering, manufacturing, and last but not the least—marketing and promotion. Marketing is definitely a must and you should have started it months before recording. You […]

Why AI is not (yet) a threat to musicians—7 reasons nothing beats the real thing!

I’m sure we all have heard about AI-generated music and AI-generated art (there’s one that even won an award!). And while it’s a cool thing if you don’t have a career in music, it certainly is not if you’re a musician. It’s insulting and more than that—scary. Well, I’m here to give you some comfort. AI […]

8 No-BS tips to improve your music career dramatically

All musicians have this one question: how to improve your music career? How, really when the music industry is one of the most congested industries there is today. There’s greater competition among music acts that being talented doesn’t guarantee you the big success that you are hoping for. There have been a lot of undiscovered […]

9 Music branding tips

A musician’s image has become one of the most important elements of any musician’s career. It doesn’t really need to be kept clean, though that is preferable for most. What it definitely needs is to be unique. In the industry today, the image of an artist heavily affects the consumerization of their music. And that’s […]

17 Things to prepare for your album release

Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a newbie in the music industry, the truth stands that album releases are nerve-wracking. There will be a lot of risks involved in launching an album. And in order to avoid them and to ensure album release success, everything has to be prepared months in advance. If you’re not […]

AI Music- Music can now be created through artificial intelligence!

AI is definitely taking over everything…including music. Early this year, news broke out that Apple Inc. has bought a startup named AI Music.  AI Music  creates music without paying a royalty fee and just using artificial intelligence (AI) instead. In their Linkedin account, they have a goal of “giving their consumers the power to choose […]

Film Industry Comeback After The Pandemic

We have seen how the pandemic led to lockdowns and quarantines which heavily affected our normal lives. The film industry cannot escape this fate and so it has experienced great change in how films are made, distributed, and consumed. Will box offices experience hitting the roof sales again soon or are we sticking to Netflix? […]

List of Recording Studios Still Open During the Pandemic

The pandemic has brought a halt to concerts and album releases. But now that we’re already in the last stretch of this nightmare, it’s time we go back to the grind and make music again! If you’re looking for a recording studio that’s open and running and with really well-implemented COVID safety protocols, check out […]