band press kit

Making a music press kit in 2024

You might think “Nah, music press kits are so 1997″, but band press kit is still the best way to promote your music to industry people. It will never ever go out of style. It’s (still) a great way to introduce yourself and your music to the music industry. If you’ve got one already, well…have […]

Biggest List Of Music Recording Studios In The USA (Part 4)

Are you a musician and you’re wondering “where are the music recording studios near me?” We got you. We compiled over 500 music recording studios in the USA just for you. If you want the full list beautifully compiled in a spreadsheet, follow our Instagram page  and send us a message with a subject line “I […]

Biggest List Of Music Recording Studios In The USA (Part 3)

Don’t know where you can find music recording studios? We compiled a list for you. If you want the full list beautifully compiled in a spreadsheet, like our Facebook page and send us a message with a subject line “I want the big list.” Part 1 (A-C) Part 2 (D-H) Part 4 (Q-Z) Biggest […]

10 ways to add more buzz to your album release

Recording an album is daunting. But so does promoting an album release. You have to take your vitamins and gather more energy because recording’s just the beginning! After that comes mastering, manufacturing, and last but not the least—marketing and promotion. Marketing is definitely a must and you should have started it months before recording. You […]

EPIC GUIDE-How to release an album without a record label

You’re an indie artist and wondering how to release an album without a record label? Don’t worry, we got you. In this article, we’ll discuss the steps you have to take to release your album without a record label. I. PUTTING TOGETHER AN ALBUM While there’s no right formula of how you prepare your album […]

Best 2022 Albums Released on Cassettes

Interestingly, the streaming era has resurrected old physical music formats. We’ve seen recent albums released on cassette and more physical formats. Even if digital music still accounts for the bulk of music sales, it cannot be denied that physical formats like vinyl records and cassette tapes are contributing well. For today’s article, we will be […]

AI music tools for every musician

AI is changing everything—even music. There has been, of course, some resistance from some but let’s face it—the use of AI music tools cannot be stopped. So what’s the best course for musicians like you? The answer is “If you can’t beat them, join them.” Setting aside the arguments about stolen art and whatnots, AIs […]

3 types of fans and how to hook them

There are different types of music fans. And if you want to succeed in the industry, then you’ll have to know what bait to cast so they’ll be hooked. But don’t worry. You really don’t need a lot—a few superfans is all you really need. Soo…who are your fans? Well it could be everyone, but […]

Bands with best marketing campaigns

If you want people to actually buy your music, sometimes, good music just isn’t enough. You must also have the best merketing campaign tailored to your needs and image. If you want inspiration, here are six bands with innovative album releases: #1. CUT COPY – FREE YOUR MIND Back in 2013, the concept of Pokémon […]

Why AI is not (yet) a threat to musicians—7 reasons nothing beats the real thing!

I’m sure we all have heard about AI-generated music and AI-generated art (there’s one that even won an award!). And while it’s a cool thing if you don’t have a career in music, it certainly is not if you’re a musician. It’s insulting and more than that—scary. Well, I’m here to give you some comfort. AI […]