sunshine enema

Modern Marketing Strategies for Photographers

Today, it is not enough that you put a banner of your goods and services outside your store. In fact, it is a bit tacky and unnecessary- and really, really, backward. Today, there are countless of ways businesses can advertise ...
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1000 covers1

Six Books for Album Cover Junkies

If you're a sucker for cool album artwork, or if you're a graphic designer who's looking for album cover inspiration, here are some must-read books... 1,000 Record Covers Source: This book, as what the title says, is a collection ...
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suburbs deluxe all items

Grammy Best Record Package: Arcade Fire- Suburbs

The best record package for this year's Grammy's is the CD and vinyl package of Arcade Fire's latest album "Suburbs." Arcade Fire released a deluxe edition CD of The Suburbs on June 27, 2011. They released eight different album covers ...
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interactive bongo tee

Interactive T-Shirts That Put the Awe in Awesome

Are you looking for a t-shirt concept that will really put people in awe? Here are some of the coolest interactive shirts that will grab anyone's attention. Personal Embedded Equalizer Shirt Party like it's 2999 with the glowing display on ...
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blackkeys new 520x2471

Five Reasons Musicians Should Give a Damn about CD Packaging

So you’re just so pissed because one band member is very persistent that you make a really good looking CD packaging. WTF, right? It’s not like you’re already rich and famous. It’s your first time to release an album and ...
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musician indie online marketing guide

6 Don’ts of Marketing Your Album Online

So your album will be out soon and you are so excited to start talking about it online. You know people will rave about it and it will become sensational. But before you upload that photo, compose that blog post, ...
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DVD real housewives

DVD Packaging: Real Housewives Doll Accessories

When it comes to DVD packaging, it's time we don't just focus on the artwork and the print but also on the actual items that we can put in it. Think of the items first and what you want to ...
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OHM pink booklet

CD Packaging: OHM Electronic Music

OHM Electronic Music CD Packaging and booklet design for a collection of electronic music from 1948–1980. The album cover is designed with a system of interchangeable images. The lines and shapes in the images are based on line drawings from ...
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inspiration for designers

9 Ways to Get Inspiration for Your Album Artwork

It's your first album and you want everything to be perfect- including, of course, the CD artwork. But you are too drained! You've been thinking of concepts for your album artwork for weeks yet no idea is remarkable enough. So ...
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mvsica 01 520x390

CD Packaging with Minimalist Designs

We've seen plenty of CD package with minimalist designs shape up in the late 2000s. After the dark age of the ’90s came the year 2000 along with many fancy photoshop blings and all kinds of other clutter. We've seen ...
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