The decemberists announce new album in the best way

 Bedford Ave & North 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY @thedecemberists — Capitol Records (@CapitolRecords) October 24, 2014 The Decemberists' Colin Meloy took to the streets in Brooklyn to promote the band's new album "What a Terrible World, What a Beautiful ...
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startup financing

Answers to Your Startup Financing Questions

At, expert Elizabeth MacBride talks about financing and developing your startup. Branding and developing prototypes are crucial in the beginning stages of financing your startup. Without a concrete model of your idea or product, it can be difficult for ...
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branding tips for artists

Learning the ropes of promoting your brand

You've done it. You started your very own company, you are ready to get down to business, but there is just one problem: no one knows that you are there. This is a problem that many new business owners face ...
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marketing mistakes

Marketing mistakes that almost everyone is making

You might think you're doing great with marketing your stuff, but I am certain you're committing at least one of these marketing mistakes. Read up and correct the way you market while there's still chance. Here are some of the ...
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reputation management1

How to build a reputation from scratch

What form of currency never fluctuates with the market? Answer: Your reputation. While many people say you shouldn't care about what others think about you (and that it's not your fault, it's theirs blah blah blah), that only applies to the ...
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ways to say thank you

For artists: 7 affordable ways to express gratitude

You don't have to spend big bucks just to show people you appreciate them. All you need is a bucket of sincerity and an affordable medium to express it. Gratitude can even be expressed for free as long as it's ...
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cd packaging tin

Examples of really good-looking round CD packaging

There are so many ways to package a CD than just putting it in a standard jewel case. A round CD packaging is one of them. It could be made of tin or thick cardboard or even wood. What's so ...
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annoying artist

7 Habits of Annoying Artists (Maybe You’re One of Them!)

Most annoying artists do not have any idea that they're annoying. In fact, they think that people love them. It's very important to know when you become annoying because not only is it good for your career to change your ...
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multidisc imagePOP 520x3611

Five CD Packaging Options for Multi-Disc Projects

If you have a multi-disc project, say a 10-year album compilation, you have to think how you will package your discs because it won't definitely be like the regular CD jewel case. It has to have enough room for your ...
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/ Chris Bauer
postcards film festival

6 Reasons You Must Absolutely Bring Postcards to Film Festivals

For those attending their very first film festival, you might be shocked by just how aggressive filmmakers are in promoting their films. You will see these young filmmakers carrying big bags full of DVD screeners and posters, handing them to ...
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