Best 2022 Albums Released on Cassettes

Interestingly, the streaming era has resurrected old physical music formats. We’ve seen recent albums released on cassette and more physical formats. Even if digital music still accounts for the bulk of music sales, it cannot be denied that physical formats like vinyl records and cassette tapes are contributing well. For today’s article, we will be […]

AI music tools for every musician

AI is changing everything—even music. There has been, of course, some resistance from some but let’s face it—the use of AI music tools cannot be stopped. So what’s the best course for musicians like you? The answer is “If you can’t beat them, join them.” Setting aside the arguments about stolen art and whatnots, AIs […]

3 types of fans and how to hook them

There are different types of music fans. And if you want to succeed in the industry, then you’ll have to know what bait to cast so they’ll be hooked. But don’t worry. You really don’t need a lot—a few superfans is all you really need. Soo…who are your fans? Well it could be everyone, but […]

Bands with best marketing campaigns

If you want people to actually buy your music, sometimes, good music just isn’t enough. You must also have the best merketing campaign tailored to your needs and image. If you want inspiration, here are six bands with innovative album releases: #1. CUT COPY – FREE YOUR MIND Back in 2013, the concept of Pokémon […]

Do you really know your fans?

I’m sure you have some idea who your fans are…but do you REALLY know your fans? And I mean, REALLY, REALLY? By that, I mean… Do you know what other bands they like? Which places they usually go? What brands they buy? What makes them happy? What makes them sad? It’s always a good idea […]

It’s 2023—Do musicians really need managers nowadays?

Many successful artists today do not have managers. But should you follow their path? One example of an artist who’s doing the manager-free route is Canadian rapper Tom McDonald (our client). He does everything all by himself. No manager, no label, and ran everything…including his merch store! He’s very creative and by the time we […]

Why AI is not (yet) a threat to musicians—7 reasons nothing beats the real thing!

I’m sure we all have heard about AI-generated music and AI-generated art (there’s one that even won an award!). And while it’s a cool thing if you don’t have a career in music, it certainly is not if you’re a musician. It’s insulting and more than that—scary. Well, I’m here to give you some comfort. AI […]

indie films merchandise

10 indie film merch items you should sell to your fans in 2023

Just like Hollywood films, indie films need a lot of promotion nowadays, and one way to do this is through movie merch. But here’s the thing— you gotta stand out so it’s worth it! Since there is already a lot of merch released to market popular films, it can be hard to think of something […]

Music Marketing: How to do Social Media in 2023

Social media is now our morning newspaper so if you want to make it big in music, you gotta do social media music marketing right. If you want news about you or about your music to reach the front page, in this case people’s feeds or timelines, you will have to do some posting! But […]

Music Marketing: 20 things we can learn from kpop groups

K-pop has been penetrating the West and the rest of the world for years now. They’ve come to a point where they get to perform and get nominated in big Western award shows like the Grammy Awards with BTS, and the MTV VMAs, with Blackpink. I’m sure you’re wondering how they did it, right? Because […]