repo man collectors tin

10 DVD Box Sets With the Most Kickass Packaging

We all love good films but we usually just watch them in the cinemas and move on with our life unless they’re special editions packaged in really awesome DVD box sets that will impress even your grumpy father-in-law. If you’re a filmmaker, distributor, art director, graphic designer, your aim is to have this kind of reaction […]

press kit DVD

PRESS Kits are Meant to ImPRESS

Press Kits should be really impressive or else don’t make any at all (it will just turn-off the journalists and executives). Press kits are like promotional booklets/sales brochures with detailed information about your film or project. Your press kit should include information about your project from your intention to the aspect ratio of your film. Some indie filmmakers […]

under the dome1

Snow globe DVD packaging and merch

Even if you’re not fond of Snow Globes, you will definitely adore these Snow Globe DVD Packaging and merch. They’re perfect decors for any entertainment room! Display a dozen and your guests would surely have something to talk about/envy/ogle/steal. Here are some of the most purchase-worthy Snow Globe collector’s items for movies. I want them […]