web tools 2

More Tips for Marketing Your Film Online

The future of advertising is on the Internet.  This is not up for debate.  Over the last decade, the Web has revolutionized the way in which the public chooses what products to consume, especially in regards to the film industry.  Recent productions, from Juno to Snakes on a Plane, have found an audience thanks in […]

10 smart ways to analyze your fans

If you’ve read our previous article on getting to really know your fans, we’ve quickly talked about the benefits of utilizing analytic tools. Now, we’ve got you a whole article dedicated to it. So aside from talking and interacting with your fans, you can also try using quantitative data from different analytical tools. You might […]

Wondering why your vinyl records are taking so long?

If you’ve never had a vinyl pressed until now, you might get shocked by how long the turnaround time is—usually it’s 8-12 weeks. And there are even times when the pressing plants ship your vinyl records later than the expected time. This might frustrate you, especially if you’re close to your album release date… so […]

25 ways to promote your album the right way

Album promotion in the past decade has stepped up to another level. There are just so many ways to do it which has its pros but definitely also has its cons. The internet has become an integral part in music promotion and with the pandemic, it has become an even more crucial element.  Musicians have […]