wine cork flash drive1

8 Charming Wedding Flash Drives

It's almost 2013. Are you still using DVDs for your Wedding Photography business? Not that we hate DVDs. We love DVDs and lovely DVD packaging... for films. But for more precious things such as wedding pictures, a personalized USB flash ...
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Vinyl Packaging: Stay+ QR Code Design

Can a vinyl packaging with QR code ever be cool? The answer is: HELLZ YEAH! Just take a look at this baby. Tell us it isn't art and we will tell you that you are darn wrong because how can ...
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music bands fight

Six Main Causes Why Bands Fight

Wanna know why bands fight? The basic answer is that they're people. Bands that are not yet established (and even those who are very much established: Here's 20 biggest band breakups in history) go through a lot of arguments and ...
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8 Promotional USB Drives for Movies

If you're a filmmaker, especially if you're an indie filmmaker,I'm pretty sure you would not consider releasing your film on USB flash drives. First of all, it's pretty expensive. If you're going to put a 2-hour film, you need a ...
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creative poster designs

The coolest interactive posters you’ll ever see

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, interactive posters do exist and they're the coolest promotional items ever. Trust us, when you see them, you wouldn't just want a regular poster. Here are some brilliant posters that go above and beyond simply being ...
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band merch t shirt printing

10 Tips for Selling More Merch Online

You honestly think your merch is awesome but how come no one buys them? There are so many possible reasons for this phenomenon but I have a feeling that poor online marketing is the main culprit. If you want to ...
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forrest day album 2

CD Packaging: Forrest Day

We here at Unified are obsessed with beautiful CD packaging. We’ve been making creative releases since 2008 and lovely packaging has become an obsession of ours. We even have a Pinterest page dedicated to all things media packaging. If you ...
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Creative USB Albums

More Awesome USB Albums

Many musicians, from Bob Marley to Lady Gaga, have released albums in USB flash drives. They love the USB drive because they can pack in MP3 files plus exclusive video interviews, music videos, band member profiles, games, and many more ...
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Guns N Roses Groupon 1

Using Deal Sites to Sell Concert Tickets- Pros and Cons

Deal sites sound like a good platform especially if you're desperate and impatient to sell your  concert tickets. But before you sign-up and create a deal, make sure you read the pros and cons of selling tickets through deal sites ...
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9 Albums that Creatively Use Clear Jewel Cases

Those who say that it's impossible to make really creative and remarkable designs with "boring" jewel cases are probably boring and not creative. We love jewel cases and we think they're lovely! There are so many good-looking (and award-winning) albums ...
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