Work Hard But Don't Take Your Music Career Too SRSLY

grunt work and I believe it’s the shortest path to success. What I’m talking about is that try your hardest, work real hard on achieving success in your music career, but as much as possible do not look desperate and never make desperate moves or say desperate remarks. Never step on other artists just to […]

fleetwood mac vinyl packaging

20 musicians designed their own album covers art

Art album covers illustrate how musicians often have a hand in creating these iconic visuals that go hand in hand with their music. This article is a list that dives into the world of 20 artists who decided to take the reins, showcasing their artistic talents alongside their musical prowess. From hand-drawn masterpieces to conceptual photography, […]

band press kit

Making a music press kit in 2024

You might think “Nah, music press kits are so 1997″, but band press kit is still the best way to promote your music to industry people. It will never ever go out of style. It’s (still) a great way to introduce yourself and your music to the music industry. If you’ve got one already, well…have […]

10 musicians who made it big through tiktok

It has been almost seven years since TikTok was launched, and it has cemented itself as THE viral-maker platform creating these so called TikTok musicians. Each day, artists and content creators are churning catchy content…and many careers have been launched like that of our client Petey, who rose to fame during the pandemic because of […]