10 influencer kits that totally rock

Nowadays, with social media blending into marketing strategies, there’s this cool thing called influencer kits. They’re these awesome packages that brands use to team up with influencers online. WHY SHOULD YOU MAKE ONE?  It gives a more genuine vibe than direct advertising. Influencers dish out their real experiences, making the whole promotion feel legit to […]

The right way to market your music in 2024 and beyond

We get it, it’s a digital jungle out there. That’s why where here to show you how to market music in the digital world. We don’t want you getting outshined by viral cat videos right? Or if they DO get noticed, they’ll soon be forgotten again because well…our attention spans are shrinking! What to do? […]

Bluray boxsets of the top 10 movies of 2023

The year is almost ending and we’re about to enter the year 2024. So before we say bye-bye to 2023, let’s backtrack and talk about the top 10 movies of this year and their bluray boxsets. #10. MEG 2: THE TRENCH So, just like the last movie, Meg 2 is about a bunch of scientists […]

19 Scratch-and-Sniff Albums that made a mark

If you want to surprise your fans, why don’t you give them scented albums! Scratch and sniff albums are a unique and fun way to experience music. By adding the olfactory dimension, artists can create a more immersive and engaging listening experience. Here’s a list of 19 scratch-and-sniff albums that have truly made a mark […]

15 ways to greatly reduce stress when releasing an album

They say music reduces stress. Well, they’re so right about that. But you know it’s different when you’re the one releasing it, right? So in this guide we put together, we’re going through fifteen essential tips—covering everything from using digital tools to finding the right partners—to make your album release stress-free (or at least less […]

Top 40 best-selling vinyl albums of 2023 so far

You might have thought “Nah, vinyl’s just a fad”. We thought the same way, too. But now we’ve got a list of best selling vinyl albums. We’re very much surprised that vinyl is still alive and kicking up to this day. In fact, this year, vinyl sales rose 13.2% in the first nine months. As […]

Why customer (service) is king

Customer is King. And that’s why In today’s music scene, being a musician isn’t just about making great tunes and belting out killer vocals. It’s also about something more unexpected: customer service. And you might be thinking: “That’s just handling orders, easy peasy.” Well, yeah, you’re right. But the last bit? Not so much. As […]

17 Merch Hoodies for the holidays

It’s already that time of year where people all around the world are thinking of gifts. Two of the top items on their list would unquestionably be merch hoodies and sweatshirts. They definitely deserved their spots too because they’re not just cozy and warm, they’re stylish as well. And what’s even better than a regular […]

VIP Tour Box Sets of Taylor Swift and 10 other musicians (they’re all incredibly insane!)

Now that we’re back to artists physically touring the world, VIP tour box sets and merch bags are returning too. Now we’ve got a list of them that you can take for inspiration and first one’s Taylor Swift VIP package, of course, the mother of high quality VIP tour box sets. Try checking out those […]

10 Essential tips for pre-selling your vinyl

Pre-selling your vinyl album is an art form in itself—a dance between generating excitement and managing the logistics of production. It involves careful planning, smart marketing, and a deep understanding of your audience. So how do you do it right? These ten essential tips will guide you through the intricacies of setting up your vinyl […]