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All About the DVD Logo- What is it? Do we really need it?

What is it? The DVD Logo is a is a Trademark owned by DVD FLLC, a Japanese company with shareholders like Philips, Sony, Time Warner, and many others.  The logo symbolizes the legitimacy and better compliance of the DVD product. It simply shows that the product was manufactured by a Licensee (legitimacy) and that the […]

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5 Highly Entertaining Album Covers

Mooi Besoedeling- Zinkplaat This album has a scratch-off ink layer on the front and back, as well as a guitar pick to scratch the ink off with. You will certainly get a different kind of high with all the scratching! Christmas songs by Eunice Elizabeth Olsen and Rennie Gomes You can actually sew your messages or artwork […]

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DVD Packaging and Customer Purchase Decisions

Maybe because of financial or time constraints, we do not give much attention to how we package our DVD. We just choose a decent photo for the artwork, a plain-looking case, and a good set of trays. After all, what matters most is what’s inside, right? What matters most is the content-the film! Yes, that […]


35 Tips for Self-Management as a Musician

Most musicians say they want to make a lot of money with their music, but when it comes down to it, few are willing to do what it takes to have their music heard, promoted, and marketed. Self-management can be the cure-all for many dedicated, passionate, and talented musicians who are willing to put their […]


Rich Musician, Poor Musician

“Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki and asked (forced) me to read it. I’m glad she did because I learned a lot about finances and life. The book is basically about a young man who has two fathers: the first was his biological father – the poor dad – and the other was the father […]

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A Mastering Engineer’s Guide to Final Mixdown

Choose a reference. Find a major label track with the tonal balance you’re looking for – ideally something that hasn’t been totally decimated in mastering, since you’ll be comparing it to your unmastered tracks. If you followed my earlier advice on using a reference during the mixing process, you’ll want to use the same track here. […]

The Frustrated Artist by BlotoAngeles

Indie Musicians: It’s normal to take awhile. Just Fight your way through

Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, […]

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CD Manufacturing: Choosing Colors and Formats- do it right from the start!

The formats and color requirements of the logos and graphics you use on your CD artwork, websites, albums, T-shirts, and posters can vary significantly. As anyone who has tried to do a run of CD covers or has prepared graphic artwork for T-shirts can tell you, you can waste a lot of time adjusting images […]