
DVD Packaging with HANDS

Horror films love hands in their movie posters and DVD artwork. Hands can show struggle, pain, anger, and desperation. And as we all know, hands are used to slice, chop, and strangle among others.  Here are movie posters and DVD artwork that use HANDS. Of course, we’ll start with Psycho. _____________________________________________________________ Unified Manufacturing is a custom […]

Carnivalesque 13

CD Packaging: ICARUS Carnivalesque

Artist: Icarus Title: Carnivalesque Label: Not Applicable Year: 2005 Designer: Ollie Brown, Sam Britton Carnivalesque’s CD packaging is a great example of anti-design. They used discarded albums of other artists then scribbled and erased info on each page with a black marker pen. Its presentation is meant to intrigue and confuse.  It makes us think […]