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Merch stats that show K-pop is killing it!

Can you hear Christmas bells ringing? The year is about to end but before it does, let us present some stats on this year’s MERCH side of the industry. And the winner for merch sales goes to (drumrolllll)— kpop. And it’s time we talk about it. MERCH SALES BY GENRE The graph above indicates the […]

Best 2022 Albums Released on Cassettes

Interestingly, the streaming era has resurrected old physical music formats. We’ve seen recent albums released on cassette and more physical formats. Even if digital music still accounts for the bulk of music sales, it cannot be denied that physical formats like vinyl records and cassette tapes are contributing well. For today’s article, we will be […]

Vinyl pressing: DMM versus lacquer cutting

If you’re pressing vinyl records, cutting your master is probably the most crucial (and most expensive!) step, so it’s wise of you to research your vinyl cutting options: DMM vs lacquer. And while in general, we don’t recommend one over the other (it all depends on the particular recording), I’ll give you a rundown on […]

AI music tools for every musician

AI is changing everything—even music. There has been, of course, some resistance from some but let’s face it—the use of AI music tools cannot be stopped. So what’s the best course for musicians like you? The answer is “If you can’t beat them, join them.” Setting aside the arguments about stolen art and whatnots, AIs […]

Oscar-Nominated Movies and their awesome merch

The night of March 12 was a great way of appreciating and acknowledging talented artists in the movie industry as the Oscar nominated movies of 2023 received their well-deserved awards. But aside from the explosion of beautiful cinematography and wonderful performances, these films also boast awesome merchandise. We’ve compiled a list of 10 of these […]

Wondering why your vinyl records are taking so long?

If you’ve never had a vinyl pressed until now, you might get shocked by how long the turnaround time is—usually it’s 8-12 weeks. And there are even times when the pressing plants ship your vinyl records later than the expected time. This might frustrate you, especially if you’re close to your album release date… so […]

How to review your vinyl test pressing the right way

Working together is a must to press a great vinyl record. And that requires you, our dear client, to review your test pressing vinyl records—the right way! In this article, we’ll be discussing this critical steps of the vinyl manufacturing process. Why critical? Well, whatever you do in this step, will decide the quality of […]

It’s 2023—Do musicians really need managers nowadays?

Many successful artists today do not have managers. But should you follow their path? One example of an artist who’s doing the manager-free route is Canadian rapper Tom McDonald (our client). He does everything all by himself. No manager, no label, and ran everything…including his merch store! He’s very creative and by the time we […]

20 of the coolest vinyl records that were nominated for grammy’s best record package

With each passing year, vinyl records have been gaining more and more audiences. Musicians have added more and more vinyl versions every music release which hints at the state of the vinyl record market. With an increase in vinyl record supply, artists have begun doing more creative stuff for their own. They customized their vinyl […]

14 affordable merch ideas that actually rake in money

When it comes to promoting a brand or connecting with fans, cheap merch ideas can be surprisingly effective in both capturing attention and generating revenue. Whether you’re a musician looking to enhance your merch table or a small business seeking to expand your promotional reach, affordable merchandise offers a cost-effective way to leave a lasting […]