music marketing instagram for musicians

Music Marketing: Instagram Hacks for Musicians

Music marketing is not good music marketing if you’re not making the most of you’re not making the most of your Instagram. Social media has changed a lot over the years that it’s not enough you got a Facebook page with thousands of followers. I don’t know if it’s just me– that I unfollowed too […]

covid resources for musicians

List of COVID Relief Funds for Musicians

We compiled a list of COVID funds for musicians because we know it’s always tough being a musician but there’s no other time the phrase “It’s tough being a musician right now” is more apt than right now. COVID-19 has shaken our world and this pandemic has put the music industry in a big question […]


Best Merch Items for Your Indie Film

Between post-production and your first screening is the time you get your hands dirty making your merch and marketing your film. You design posters, create a website, and a million other things. One thing you should not forget on the list is creating kick-ass movie merch. Yep, as in merchandise! It’s a good way to […]

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9 Holiday Marketing Tips for Musicians

Tis the season to be jolly and read some music marketing tips for musicians.  After all, when’s a better time to market your band better than the holidays? If you’re not planning now for the holidays, you’d be wasting a big opportunity because the holidays is one of the best times to sell and maximize […]