Merch strategy—how to be more than just a store!

Merchandise strategy is extremely important for musicians. It’s not just about generating profit. It’s also a powerful way to connect with fans! Merch sales is just second to live show sales and that says something with how much revenue musicians get from it. It’s actually one of the reasons why merch releases became so widespread […]

10 ways to add more buzz to your album release

Recording an album is daunting. But so does promoting an album release. You have to take your vitamins and gather more energy because recording’s just the beginning! After that comes mastering, manufacturing, and last but not the least—marketing and promotion. Marketing is definitely a must and you should have started it months before recording. You […]

Cool company swags from big brands

In a world full of business competitors wherever you turn, cool company swags are one of your essential ammunitions. They’re a must if you want your brand to survive in almost any industry. Swags make your customers feel special. A swags make your brand memorable. Swags can make you stand out from the crowd. But […]

3 types of fans and how to hook them

There are different types of music fans. And if you want to succeed in the industry, then you’ll have to know what bait to cast so they’ll be hooked. But don’t worry. You really don’t need a lot—a few superfans is all you really need. Soo…who are your fans? Well it could be everyone, but […]