Interactive T-Shirts That Put the Awe in Awesome
Are you looking for a t-shirt concept that will really put people in awe? Here are some of the coolest interactive shirts that will grab anyone’s attention. Personal Embedded Equalizer Shirt Party like it’s 2999 with the glowing display on the T-Qualizer that dynamically changes with any ambient sound or music. Bongo Drum T-Shirt The […]
Merch strategy—how to be more than just a store!
Merchandise strategy is extremely important for musicians. It’s not just about generating profit. It’s also a powerful way to connect with fans! Merch sales is just second to live show sales and that says something with how much revenue musicians get from it. It’s actually one of the reasons why merch releases became so widespread […]
Why customer (service) is king
Customer is King. And that’s why In today’s music scene, being a musician isn’t just about making great tunes and belting out killer vocals. It’s also about something more unexpected: customer service. And you might be thinking: “That’s just handling orders, easy peasy.” Well, yeah, you’re right. But the last bit? Not so much. As […]
Merch stats that show K-pop is killing it!
Can you hear Christmas bells ringing? The year is about to end but before it does, let us present some stats on this year’s MERCH side of the industry. And the winner for merch sales goes to (drumrolllll)— kpop. And it’s time we talk about it. MERCH SALES BY GENRE The graph above indicates the […]
Oscar-Nominated Movies and their awesome merch
The night of March 12 was a great way of appreciating and acknowledging talented artists in the movie industry as the Oscar nominated movies of 2023 received their well-deserved awards. But aside from the explosion of beautiful cinematography and wonderful performances, these films also boast awesome merchandise. We’ve compiled a list of 10 of these […]
14 affordable merch ideas that actually rake in money
When it comes to promoting a brand or connecting with fans, cheap merch ideas can be surprisingly effective in both capturing attention and generating revenue. Whether you’re a musician looking to enhance your merch table or a small business seeking to expand your promotional reach, affordable merchandise offers a cost-effective way to leave a lasting […]
10 indie film merch items you should sell to your fans in 2023
Just like Hollywood films, indie films need a lot of promotion nowadays, and one way to do this is through movie merch. But here’s the thing— you gotta stand out so it’s worth it! Since there is already a lot of merch released to market popular films, it can be hard to think of something […]
Which custom merch items sell the most?
Not all merch items sell. So before you manufacture thousands of them, you have to make sure they won’t just be dumped in your basement to gather dust. How do you know? By checking the numbers. Data. In this blog, we’ll run through a total of ten custom merch items that musicians have tried and […]
Band merch ideas: 10 ways to add more spice to your merch
We now see band merch everywhere. This means that your fans already have a lot of merch to choose from, especially if they have a lot of fave artists. So if you’re a band or a merch designer, it’s really a must to stand out. In this article, we’ll be presenting to you 10 band […]
Killermerch and other places to sell merch online
Band merchandise is easy to make —especially if you team up with us— but one thing’s certain: it’s not so easy to sell. Even if you’re already as famous as Queen. But finding a good platform to sell your custom merch to will solve 50% of the challenges of selling merch. In this article, we’ll […]