why people buy buyer psychology of purchase decisions

Marketing Psychology Basics and How You Can Use Them

If you’re a musician (or any artist), you’re likely not that knowledgable in marketing or marketing psychology- unless that’s your day job. But today, it is a must for artists to do everything on their own including promoting your band page in Social Media, writing newsletters, designing merch…the whole shebang. Before you do a thousand […]

music publicity PR marketing roles

Music Publicity: Should You DIY or Hire Company?

You can be the greatest musician ever born but if you don’t have good music publicity, how would the world know? You need a strong force that can help you get your music out there especially today that it’s hard to stand out from the clutter. Here are some of the pros and cons of […]

tiktok for musicians

Why Musicians Should Use TikTok (Hear us out before you judge!)

Everybody and your grandma knows Tiktok so if you’re in a band, then you know Tiktok is for musicians. “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes”, said Andy Warhol. Well, let’s make that 15 seconds, Mr. Warhol, all thanks to TIKTOK. If you’re not living under a rock, then I’m sure you […]