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Heck, I Still Want the Hard Format!

packaging, I love reading every bit of info about my favorite films (and not from my laptop, please!), I love smelling the pages, and  I love the kind of high I get everytime I open a new DVD. That certain ...
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/ Chris Bauer
Brain in a Box Packaging

CD Packaging: Brain in a Box

If you want to put something in your living room that would start a conversation, this is it! This is pop culture sci-fi coolness in a box. Your guests will not only be talking about the brilliant aluminum packaging, the ...
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/ Marion Isobel
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Album Artwork Parody: Whipped Cream and Other Delights

This is the very popular cover of Herp Alpert's album, Whipped Cream and Other Delights.  I find the cover quite tacky and awkward but I dunno... it may be one of the sexiest album covers in the sixties. Whether people ...
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/ Marion Isobel
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9 Practical Film Marketing Tips Every Indie Filmmaker Should Know

Make the film you and your talent want to make. Inherent in that is finding talent who wants to make the film you have in mind, and making that talent very happy to be working with you on your project ...
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/ Chris Bauer

Creative DVD Packaging – Is it Really Worth Your Hard Earned Dollars?

DVD packaging is not just an option, it is a MUST! I myself wouldn’t buy anything that I can get for free(download from internet, borrow from friends) except maybe if I know the artist personally or the packaging is really ...
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/ Chris Bauer
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CD Packaging Concept: MVSICA

The CD packaging concept of MVSICA is something else! It looks like a basic packaging from a convenience store and that's exactly because it should look like one. It is a scratch-off card, after all. It's definitely another CD packaging ...
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/ Marion Isobel
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Indie Musicians:Tips for Managing Your Finances Better

Have you ever heard it said that “Budgeting is the key to financial success?” For musicians, that whole concept is not just plain old dull, but it’s also impossible to imagine as we live from gig to gig. We scrimp ...
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/ Erick Yankton
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CD Artwork: How to Spend Less Without Compromising Quality

Designing the CD artwork of your album might seem easy but if you want to save a few dollars, you have to It’s easy to design a kick-ass artwork when you have big bucks to blow. You can use whatever ...
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/ Marion Isobel

Packaging: 5 Deadly Sins in Packaging Your Product

Big Mistake, The right packaging is integral to your products success at retail. Remember, you can’t have a product without a package. If you don’t have a package, your product will never get to the retailer’s shelf. Here are the 5 deadly ...
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/ Erick Yankton
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DVD Packaging: Style Wars (Redesign)

Alex Goose redesigned the packaging of Style Wars. Style Wars is a documentary about the birth of graffiti and how it contributed to the hiphop culture. Directed by Tony Silver and produced by Tony Silver and Henry Chalfant, it was ...
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/ Erick Yankton