
DVD Packaging: Why Digipacks Rule!

DVD Digipacks are probably the most beautiful of all DVD cases. They have this certain X factor that makes them look 5 times more sophisticated than the standard jewel cases and DVD wallets.  DVD Digipacks are made of thick cardboard ...
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Independent Record Labels and the Changing Times

A lot has been written about the record labels and independent record labels over the last few years and if you're like me who's passionate about these topics,  chances are we've heard the same thing: That the music industry is ...
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CD Packaging: Album Art with Cigarettes

Smoking is a controversial thing for some, a normal thing for others. Some smoke to push their creative button, some smoke to relieve stress and frustration, some smoke to look cool, some smoke just because they have nothing to do ...
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CD Packaging for Beginners

Are you a design student about to make your very first CD packaging project? Or are you a band member who decided to do D-I-Y CD packaging for your next album? Then you must already know by now that creating ...
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CD Manufacturing: Things to Prepare Before Calling Your CD Manufacturing Company

Whether this is your first or fourth time to visit a CD manufacturing company, there are some things that you should know and think about to make everything smoother and faster. You do not want to spend a lot of ...
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CD duplication replication services

CD Packaging: Quick Q&A About Music Packaging

  Will a creative CD packaging lure customers to buy my CD? Hmmm… I will answer that question with another question. Will a beautiful dress make a woman more appealing? The answer is yes, right? But she has to offer ...
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CD Packaging: Weezer’s Effortless Album Cover

While the rest of us are wracking our brains out to come up with something kick-ass for our album artwork, Weezer simply did this. This guy is not a member of the band.  He's not their manager either. He is ...
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Featured Record Label Owner: Blake Morgan

Record Label Name: Engine Company Records Owner: Blake Morgan, President and Founder Unified Manufacturing is so honored to do a short interview with Blake Morgan, the owner of Engine Company Records.  Despite his very busy schedule, he still managed to ...
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Custom CD Packaging: The Best Way to Grab Attention

Do you want your CD to stand out and I mean really stand out from the sea of CDs? Then maybe you should have a custom CD packaging instead of having a regular jewel case for your album. Having a ...
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DVD Packaging: What Makes a DVD Packaging Stand-out

I have this fascination for creative DVD packaging and lately I’ve been collecting some.  It’s just like Pringles, once you pop you cannot stop…collecting. I bought a DVD last week mainly because of its kick-ass DVD packaging. I didn’t even ...
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