covid resources for musicians

List of COVID Relief Funds for Musicians

We compiled a list of COVID funds for musicians because we know it’s always tough being a musician but there’s no other time the phrase “It’s tough being a musician right now” is more apt than right now. COVID-19 has shaken our world and this pandemic has put the music industry in a big question […]

Are Vinyl Records Making a Comeback?

Now that CDs are slowly becoming extinct thanks to Spotify and other streaming services, are custom vinyl records rising from the ashes?  Vinyl was first overshadowed by tapes and then by CDs because these digital formats were much easier to access and therefore more convenient and much cheaper. And later in the millennium era, CDs […]

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10 Music Business Predictions For 2018

Here are ten music business predictions that can affect the music business in ways big and small for the coming year from Bobby Owsinski and other experts compiled by Exchangewire. #1. Vinyl record sales plateau Vinyl remains a viable niche business but its growth slows to single digits. Many young vinyl buyers get frustrated with the […]