musician traits

7 Traits Every Musician Should Develop

Making music is all about music but making a CAREER in music requires more than talent, it requires certain traits that really push you to excel. Here are the traits every musician should develop in order to achieve success: WILLINGNESS TO DO GRUNT WORK Here’s the news: Grunt work is what building your music career […]


Musician Tips: Intimacy is Key!

It rhymes so it must be true! As most of us already know, INTIMACY is one of the main ingredients in creating loyal followers and superfans. Fans will pay attention to you more if you make them feel that they’re special to you. If you are a musician who wants to be more intimate with […]

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Indie Musicians: How to Find a Distributor

You should condition yourself that finding a distributor will not happen fast. It’s a lot like applying for your dream job. Even if you do your best with the press kit and everything else, you should also bear in mind that these people get a LOT of letter and packages in their office everyday thus […]